Legal preliminary Information

The team at Tulum Hats - ideenrepublik UG has put their full know-how, care and diligence into this website. We do not hope to have made any mistakes as part of legal changes or adjustments. There may be unintentional, legal deviations in the appearance of this web shop.

Should you nevertheless notice something, and you feel disturbed by the presentation and / or text content in your legal rights, please give us the chance to correct them and clarify them without much effort and costs. Your comments submitted in writing will be immediately checked legally and implemented promptly if necessary.

We will have direct, unannounced, chargeable cover letters rejected. In the mutual interest with fair, business conduct, we look forward to your understanding and advice.

Ordering process

If you have found a desired product, you can put it into the shopping cart without obligation by clicking the button [add to shopping cart]. You can view the contents of the shopping cart without obligation at any time by clicking the button [shopping cart]. You can remove the products from the shopping cart at any time by clicking the button [X] - (trash can icon). If you want to buy the products in the shopping cart, click on the button [Proceed to checkout!]. There, please check your data and your purchase again.

If you are already registered, you can log in by clicking on "My Account" and directly enter your customer number and postcode. You are also welcome to log in using the [My Account] button and then place your order. By clicking the button [Order with costs] you complete the ordering process. The process can be canceled at any time by closing the browser window.


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